Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Some other pieces...

Some other pieces, not for the coming up exhabition, just some inspiration images and ideas about... Some things who are coming up may be "next" time.

Some images of...

I have done a lots of pieces... Just to see what is happend... If you are interesting of seeing more images, please visit

Some images of...

Now I have to collect some of the things/jewellery’s I have done under these two years in the on-line project with the main subject; the consumer society.
Here is some example of things/jewellery’s I have done… I’m not sure what’s coming up on the three exhibitions, but may be some of this will be there.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Exhabitions 2007...

The last exhabition is in Krakow/Poland in July 2007.

Welcome to visit some of these three exhabitions!!!