Marie Asbjørnsen.
The first years I worked with jewellery, I mainly used silver as material in my work. But some years ago, while I was studying at The National Collage of Art and Design in Norway, I saw an exhibition of toys, made by children from all over the world, where everything was made out of colourful garbage. These objects impressed me and inspired me so much, that I decided to start working with recycled materials myself.
During the last years, I have travelled to South Africa, Namibia and Mali, to dig deeper into cultures where recycling is a necessity and a common way of thinking. I have been looking for all kinds of things made out of waste; toys, jewellery, sculptures, furniture and shelters. The creativity and the strong will of looking for possibilities rather than despair, has made a strong impression on me. Being back in Norway, I have tried to learn from what I have seen, about turning trash into treasure.
My jewellery, which earlier would be made out of valuable materials, are now made out of colourful daily waste.
Anni Jonsson.
My inspiration for this project has been everyday life. When I lost a member of the family it struck me how the time in between important events seems to be what you really miss when you lose somebody dear to you. All the time that passes without really paying any attention...
That inspired me to explore my silver-recycling bin and look closer at all the pieces of scrap-silver that was cut out and left over. The pieces that were never used. The space in between. I used these forgotten leftover pieces of silver for this project. I also worked with fabrics from clothes which belonged to this person.
For me the exiting thing about using recycled materials in jewellery is all the memories that are attached to objects used by people.
Maria Rodrigues.
I remember some of the jewellery neighbours and relatives wore around their necks. It was made of two pieces of material that hang form a silky thread.
On these pieces was embroidered the symbols of Jesus meant to protect the user from the devil. Therefore, one on the front and another on the back.
My pieces are about an inner prayer, an inner complaint, a wish, and a secret feeling. The text is formulated like a pun of words. They are about the duality and ambivalence of feelings.
The materials used on my pieces are taken from old clothes, embroidered cloths, curtains and lace inherited from an old lady. By using these materials I wish to make visible values about to go lost.
My work makes reference to the essence of the person in the consumer society.
Words from the consumer society:
“You are what you own and the more you own, the happier you will be.
In a consumer society, people use spending and materialism as a way to build a new ego
or become a new person by buying products which support their self image
In the consumer society you have to pay to be”
Marta Miguel.
The satisfactions of this world are like honey on the edge of a knife, I lick it and appreciate the pleasant thing of its flavour, soon another sensation controls to first: then I have cut myself .I don’t want to be not worried and to be a person who travel by the life and can not see what I must to see. I don’t want to watch outwards and to break away from myself. I have accelerated the rate of my life and I am less patient.
About how recycling is a good as it gets but only if I do it and I don´t forget
If we put our heads together our earth will be alife for ever
My way to recycle is a way to pay my ecological debt
Plastic is one of the most I produce like exhausted.
Red the life’s colour, the white is the purity and the golden and blue colour the love and the soul of each one of us.
Paula Lindblom.
Have you ever asked yourself why the letters of a typewriter’s keyboard are placed in the order they are?
- No, I have never asked myself that question.
- We can call this keyboard QWERTY, the first keys of the upper row are placed like that.
The first typewriter was invented by Christopher Scholes in 1873, in order to improve the calligraphy. However, soon a problem arose, when the typebars jammed against each other and made it impossible to write.To solve this, Christopher Scholes designed the keyboard QWERTY, a keyboard which should force the user to write more slowly to keep the type arms from jamming. Typewriter keyboards, that in time became computer keyboards, were from the beginning designed for slower writing and not faster.
From Paulo Coelho’s “Veronika decide morrer”.
Translated by Christina Hallberg.
Paula Lindblom about the work and the ideas behind…
I started the on-line project in 2005 to establish a professional environment, where I could still be working from my little corner of the world. Internet makes it happen.
I have always been fascinated by “recycling” or reusage, to make new use of everyday things. To transform, to put in a different context.
As Pippi Longstocking says: Finders keepers.
That is how I relate to reuse and jewellery.
What I find both at home, in nature - in the form of waste or other natural materials - and at flea markets, forms the base for my attitude to resident shapes and expressions.
I want the original material and its shape to be visible, first to appear as a piece of jewellery, but by a closer look to come out as things of everyday life …
I have visited Cape Town, South Africa, to study reutilisation and recycling.
During my travels I had the opportunity to see incredible trinkets and art pieces including small glass beads, and upon my return my jewellery features such glass beads. Contrast and addition in communicating shape.
My jewellery is inspired from different regions of Africa, mixed with my own daily surroundings. Unisex is one aim with my jewellery.
My motto is: Curious about life.
Translated by David Bauner.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
a text in Lerums tidning (newspaper) in Swedish (?!)

Paula Lindblom visar Marie Asbjörnsens halsring för besökaren Mariann Johansson.
Foto: Peter Welling
Tankeväckande smyckekonst Återvinning är en aktuell sak. Men att driva den så långt som till smycketillverkning är kanske inte vad man i första hand funderar på.Några som gjort det är utställarna på Nääs Konsthantverk. Det blir en tankeväckande upplevelse för åtminstone LT:s betraktare.Paula Lindblom var den enda utställaren på plats vid lördagens vernissage. Det var kanske inte så konstigt, det handlade ju om ett projekt på nätet. Från början var tolv konsthantverkare inblandade, nu var det fem kvar när tankarna tog praktisk form i utställningen på Nääs. En spanjor, en öbo från Madeira, två svenskor och en norska visar sina produkter i galleriet.
Dessutom, som bonus, finns en HDK-elev, Gertrud Heinerud, som visar små fina smycken från en lite mer traditionell utgångspunkt i ett hörn av den tillhörande butiken.
Återvinnarna däremot vänder och vrider på begreppet smycke. Det får flera olika tolkningar i utställningen.Paula Lindbloms alster präglas av lekfullhet och mångtydighet. De kan vara smycken, eller hängande dekorationer, kanske i ett fönster.Men utgångspunkten är ofta en begagnad deodorant, kombinerad med andra fynd av det mer använda slaget. Resultaten ser dock helt nyskapade och fräscha ut, och bär gärna på en egen liten kommentar till vår konsumtionsaptit.Anni Jonssons broscher är tillverkade av restprodukter från annan smyckestillverkning. Det blir riktigt abstrakta resultat av det tillvägagångssättet. Maria Rodrigues arbetar med textila material. Roligast är hennes stora halssmycke, som bland annat består av ett rosafärgat blixtlås.Det dekorativa i avfallet tar norska Marie Asbjörnsen väl tillvara. Att hennes smycken är tillverkade av delar till gamla ölburkar är inte det allra första som slår betraktaren, snarare är det deras lätta och luftiga karaktär som faller i ögonen.Maria Miguel visar ringar av annorlunda utseende. Några är textila, andra är tillverkade i blandade material. Plast och silver är en gångbar kombination i sammanhanget och ger ett utmanande resultat.
Utställningen pågår till den 26 juni. Och under sommarhalvåret, maj till september, är Nääs Konsthantverk öppet alla dagar i veckan. Så här finns många chanser att studera en verkligt alternativ återvinningsidé. Efter Nääs kommer turen att gå till Krakow i Polen, där samma konstnärer kommer delta.
Peter Welling
Sunday, May 27, 2007
read about the on-line project at Nääs Konsthantverk...
If you look at this page under galleri, you can read about the on-line project.
We show our things there under the period 26/5-26/6 2007.
If you look at this page under galleri, you can read about the on-line project.
We show our things there under the period 26/5-26/6 2007.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
from trash to treasure

Earrings made of trash.
Thank you! Like them a lot and other has been asking about them allready...
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
a notis in the NK, Norwegian Artcraft...
"The consumer society" i KunstRistenSmykkeutstillingen "The consumer society" i galleri KirkeRisten åpner torsdag 3. mai og varer til søndag 13. mai. Utstillingen er et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom fem kunstnere fra Norge, Sverige og Spania. tgangspunktet er et internettprosjekt initiert av den svenske smykkekunstneren Paula Lindblom i 2005.Les mer
Sunday, May 13, 2007
a gift from Marta Miguel to Paula...
Friday, May 11, 2007
postcard by on-line project jewellerys.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
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