Red the colour of the blood, energy, strength, force,.....,life.
we are live to consume?? or the consume made us to be alive??
I know that NOW I lives and my heart bitte with force.
I consume a lot of things because I enjoy good health
I can make a lot of things but if I .......
When I began this proyect I asked that question
But now I ask myself what´s the matter if our heart is not going on?
if we have suddenly "plastic heart" could we live like before?
I open my heart and I made objects to approche me to that situation.
Objects:Diferents kind of plastic,pyrite,glass,paper.
Marta Miguel
Artist and geologist
1972, Barcelona
Balmes,369 atº 3ª
Hi Marta!
I have to say that I like and love this things better, then the plastic water things. I´m glad that you done the choose and put this photos in the blogg.
Keep on workin and be true on your self and your feelings, even if it is private, you get it on distans... Good to work with the realy life!
HI Paula!!!!
thanks for yours words.
I am happy that you like them.
and It´s true for me it´s better work with realy life!!! and feelings.
keep in contact
May be you should take the water thing away?!? It´s a nice photo, but I think it´s good to have one subject...
Or may be change it with some other plastic thing that you have done in the beginning?!
Good to know the story, even if it´s not nesessery, it´s easy to create a own story about your pieces...
Oh! Now it feels more "alive"... It´s a better view on the page when you have this "family" there.
// Paula
Hi Marta!
Good idea to link your blog! NICE!!! Interesting to see. //Paula
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