Apply self-awareness to your shopping habits, wearing a "shopping bag ring" - or express a shopping gene to your surroundings.
This is the on-line jewellery project, initiated by Paula Lindblom in 2005. We are an international group of jewellery-artists who for this project are working with the same subject; consumer society. This is our place for feedback on each others works and thoughts. If you visit the blog, feel free to comment!
Hi Gila!
Today I have been on the blog a lot... And I was wondering were you and Mar was... And here YOU are!!! Nice to see your first jewellery here on the blog. Love the idea, a little bite curios about the parts you put in the bag... But may be it´s not nessesery to know?! It´s the feeling who counts.(?)
One more question... Have you done more, like a serie or something?! Or is it just one object?!
I´m curios to see more, but may be in the end?
Good luck with the work!
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