Dear Jewellery Friends.
I hope your New Year has started well?!
I have set up a deadline date at the 9th of January, BUT I have to change it.
I put the next deadline to the end of February 2006.
I and we started this on-project in February 2005 and I think it’s nice to show each other what we have coming up with under this year…
- In text and images, jewelleries that we have done about this subject; the consumer society and the consumer culture.
After that everyone who is in this on-line project has show the idea, the things and so on, we can started to take contact with gallery’s, magazines, people who may be can response at our work.
I have some ideas about to take this further, but I’m waiting for your things, the text and the images…
The blog is an art piece init self, but the final is to show our things at places in the hometown of every participant.
I’m have to tell you all, that I’m a little disappointed about this on-line project and it have take a lots of my energy to push this further on.
But I will end it! Absolutely...
I think that if you have said YES to this, that you want to be a part of this on –line project, you also have to act. Some of you haven’t been “so” in… When I’m written this I still don’t know who is in or who is out, and I think that’s a little bite sad for the people who is really in and take this project serious, even if I and some others are doing other things on the same time… We are still in this project and communicate with each other over the blog.
Please, you who know that you don’t have use the blog or communicate, can you for the last time tell me and the others if you are in or out!
I have says NO to someone, and I think you have to answer once for all.
I have also invited two jewellery artist from South Africa and the Cape Town area; Verna Jooste and Karen Jay.
They are both working with recycling jewelleries and they are really good!
I hope they will replay as soon as possible, but I know that they have summer holiday just now and Verna Jooste work on the Cape Peninsula University of Technology in Cape Town, and I have only here work mail.
So, keep on working and if you don’t want to be in this project, please tell me and the others as fast that you can! So Anni can do the final set up for this blog.
All the best