I’m working and working, just for the moment more in my brain that in real life, if you understand what I mean?!
I started with avocado shells – glass beads and images…
Later on me collected different plastic cans form my home and the everyday living…
Then I run up to this amazing graffiti pieces…
I bought a warm heat air gun so I can melt down things in my home, things that I have and have found at flea markets… Inspirited by Marta and Anni.
The last things I have done is this deodorant can with the little porcelain bear in it and a “Bliw” soap that I have saw and put glass beads in. ( this haven’t I show you jet…)
And this is the closer I have come, to mix plastic cans, things from the flea market and to melt things… I like the idea to mix things and put it in some other context.
Now I wonder if you can tell me who is most interesting, because I’m a little bite stuck in this, what should I chose???
I like every part of my work, but I seems it a little bite to sprawling for the moment.
I have also some thoughts about this to making jewellery…
Is it necessary to use metal in jewellery pieces, so people understand that it’s for “real” and “serious”?!
I know when I see your things that it’s not necessary, BUT?! Are you also struggle with this kind of question? When is it a jewellery piece and how far can you go?
Now when I’m working with this kind of material it feels like I’m walking on the edge, it’s so easy that it ends up as a child has done it into kindergarten… It takes a lot of thinking, consideration and working/seeing to do things with these materials.
Just for the moment I think that I have loosing the control over the clear seeing, how to work with this, how I can do it well?!
I have a lot of new energy and also new culture seeing of this, after my trip to South Africa and the Cape Town area. You take what you have and then you create something “new” and in my case some kind of jewellery… But will people understand this in the West? And is it necessary that they do it, understand?
As long as you are true by your self and that you know why you are doing these things…
(I hope you all understand my English???)