(My be I don´t like the images she put into the frame, but that´s my point ...)
This is the on-line jewellery project, initiated by Paula Lindblom in 2005. We are an international group of jewellery-artists who for this project are working with the same subject; consumer society. This is our place for feedback on each others works and thoughts. If you visit the blog, feel free to comment!
I don´t know, but absolutly not Jesus. It´s a little bite to much in my world, may be Bush has been an better idea or Greenpeace??? Or more garbages, our the consumer???
I think that Jesus is an old cliché; it’s not interesting to put in this”good-looking” man in a frame. I think that it has been more interesting to put something unexpected or something that you get curios about, Jesus don’t get me any asking; why? He is a big man and has been it for 2000 year, a little bite boring and safes to use him once again. But that’s my point of view. May be I have miss the point with this frame, I don’t know?!
But I really like the frame and other things that Karin are doing.
I can’t see the connecting between Jesus and the junk frame in “gold”.
For me it’s a little bite to far from eight other… Or may be the point is that Jesus suffers for us, and suffer with all the junk we handle with everyday, poor consumer people?!
A question, do you Martina like the picture?!
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